A Hybrid rocket is the combination of solid and liquid propellant. In most common cases solid-state fuel is used and the oxidizer used is in the liquid or gaseous state. The Hybrid rocket is a kind of safe propulsion and low cost when compared to the solid and liquid propellant rockets. The solid propellant and liquid or gaseous oxidizer are stored separately. The oxidizer is passed over the solid fuel through the injector and then combustion takes place and the hot gases exhausted through the nozzle.
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Advantage of Hybrid Rocket:
When compared to a solid and liquid propellant rocket, recharging and reusing of a hybrid rocket is easy, malfunctioning and accidents can be rectified easily, decreasing the speed is possible by regulating the oxidizer supply. Easy start, stop and restart is possible in the hybrid rocket. Hybrid rockets have a high specific impulse and exhaust product is also non-toxic. It can be operated in safe mode with low-cost characteristic. It is simpler than a solid and liquid propellant rocket.
Project Description:
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Mass of Paraffin wax = 40.086g
Mass of Bees wax = 20.082g
Mass of Magnesium = 40.006g
Length of fuel grain = 80mm
Outer diameter of the fuel grain = 21.5mm
Inner diameter of the fuel grain = 6.2mm
Chemical formula of Paraffin wax = C25H52
Chemical formula of Bees wax = C15H31COOC30H61
Chemical equation for the above-mentioned mixture:
0.11 C25H52 + 0.03C15H31COOC30H61 + 1.65Mg + 9.23O2 ------> 4.16CO2 + 8.54H2O +1.65MgO
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Construction of propellant hybrid rocket motor using the mixture of Paraffin wax, Beeswax, and Magnesium as a fuel, Gaseous Oxygen as an oxidizer and regression rate with the conventional bio-derived fuel is compared.
Kit required to develop Performance analysis of paraffin wax,bees wax and magnesium for hybrid rocket motor:Join 250,000+ students from 36+ countries & develop practical skills by building projects
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