Upcoming high-rise building techniques employ various forms of curtain wall consisting large discrete panels attached to a steel or reinforced concrete framework. Gun-applied elastomeric sealant are generally used to fill the gaps and joints, applied in-situ in order to seal the gaps and to accommodate movement.
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The sealant should possess good adhesive and cohesive properties in order to guarantee a watertight structure and prevent heat loss. Silicone, polyurethanes, polysulphides, acrylics, etc. are the common types of sealant used for joints in wall cladding.
Arcylic Polymer, are used widely in the modern adhesive industry as they have an ensemble of characteristics, including easy control of their Tg(Thyroglobulin), molecular architecture, crosslinking density, and competitive cost. It is because of this there is great interest in the investigation of the relationship between the molecular structure of adhesive systems and the adhesive properties of acrylic polymers.
For interior architectural coatings, Poly(vinyl acetate–butyl acrylate) latex is used. These polymers have extensive branching due to side reactions during particle synthesis, and due to this gel are accompanied within latex particles. To avoid the formation of emulsifiers used in traditional emulsion polymerization, attempts have been made by some researchers to prepare soap-free latices in the absence of emulsifier.
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Materials: Acids like octan-2-yl acrylate (OA), vinyl acetate (VA), n-butyl acrylate (BA), Methyl methacrylate (MMA) are purified by distillation process and are stored in refrigerator. Acrylonitrile (AN), N-(hydroxymethyl) acrylamine (N-AM) and acrylic acid (AA) are also taken without purification. Potassium persulfate K2S2O4 is used as an indicator and purified by recrystallization twice in water before use.
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