The growth in the use and application of composite in the worldwide industry is very high nowadays. The replacing cost of the material is high in case of any damage that occurs on the composite. Hence the repair of a composite is done to reduce the maintenance cost. The Composite material is made up of two or more materials having different physical properties.
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It has a high strength to weight ratio because of this reason only it is widely used in aircraft and automobile industries. For making fuselage, rudder, helicopter rotor blades and frames in cars. Carbon Composite creates a unique and beautiful surface finish.Carbon fibre reinforced polymer, carbon fibre reinforced plastic, or carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastic, is extremely strong and light that contains carbon fibres.
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The following are the material used for repairing:
Carbon Fiber: It is the material which is placed in the damaged area, which is having a high strength to weight ratio.
Epoxy resins: It is used to harden the material and also acts as a curing agent.
Weight: It is placed over the repaired surface to prevent the build-up of air molecules between the layers of carbon fiber.
This project enhances that the repair of composites done using the same material improves the
strength of the composite structure. Hence, it is concluded that the maintenance cost of the material is reduced by repairing rather than replacing the whole material. After the discovery of composite material aerospace and automobile industry has recorded notable use of it in manufacturing various components first to nearly most of the structural parts and use of it is rapidly growing.
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