Airborne diseases like corona, swine flu, common cold, SARS, etc. will have symptoms similar to common cold because of this most of the people ignore it the earlier stage and they will get to know when it becomes severe. So to detect the infections in the earlier stage here we are going to discuss an innovative virus detector project.
For example, during the start of 2020, you might have across the word Coronavirus either in newspapers, news channels or social media. Coronavirus is said to spread through sneezing and coughing of an infected person, shaking hands with and going near an infected person. They categorized this virus as a pandemic because it spreads very quickly from one location to another (geographically). Treatment for coronavirus was also not properly defined at that time. Due to this around lakhs of people got affected and thousands of people died.
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To prevent and detect such kind of diseases in this mini-project, you will learn the concept and working of airborne virus detector.
Project Description - Coronavirus detector
This is a self-diagnosis method where the patient can perform the test by themselves. The infected person who wants to get diagnosed has to blow through the device. The air which is blown by the infected person will have the pathogens. These pathogens are detected using a sensing system of biological aerosol particles (SSBAP). The following are the three steps used to implement this project:
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Project working
This is a super simple method to detect the airborne virus infections like corona, SARS, common cold, etc. Using this method you can detect the virus in the earlier stage to prevent the infection from reaching the severe stage.
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