We are in an era where we can’t live without electricity even for ten minutes. The major proportion of electricity is produced is from non-conventional or non-renewable sources. Thermal power station alone accounts for about 70 - 80% of the electricity generation. And the remaining is produced by hydro, wind, etc.
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Big dams are constructed on the rivers which can produce electricity, but it causes environmental consequences and disturbances for aquatic life. Electricity is also produced from wind energy by installing windmills but the efficiency of the mills is less.
The same wind turbines can be modified and used inside the waters. The water is denser than the air. And the studies relieved that ocean has different currents at different depths. The turbines can be placed at required depths in the oceans where they can be safe from the ships and that does not cause injuries to sea life. The speed of these turbines is relatively low when compared to the speed on the ground and the reason is same the water is denser than air. Thus, the ocean life will have enough time to dodge the blades and it is safe.
Knowledge of Renewable Energy.
Knowledge of Fluid Mechanics.
Project Implementation:
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Software Requirements:
Ocean energy can play a significant role in the nation’s renewable energy generation. By the required encouragement this energy can help us to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and provide clean energy.
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