Drones are everywhere in the world. It is estimated that by the year 2020 there will be approximately 7 million drones in the sky and looking the trend it is important to ensure that drone enthusiasts are operating in a peaceful and safe manner.
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The drone is controlled using an Arduino microcontroller LiPo battery. Arduino completes all monitoring and decision-making processes. Hardwares component is connected to the microcontroller via the digital or analog I/O pins.
Accelerometer is connected on the microcontroller. Acceleration components in x, y, and z directions are read according to voltage values generated by the accelerometer.
GPS module is powered through battery and communicates over a serial connection on the microcontroller’s Digital I/O pins. GPS unit transmits data via a RS232 serial connection to the Arduino.
There are other components used like voltage sensor,5V relay module, servo motor. Specific calibration is needed for proper working without which there might be difficulting in controlling the electronics
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Accelerometer need to be set to detect free fall, voltage sensor calibration to proper cutoff voltage of motors, GPS must obtain current position from satellites and compare to expected values stored in the microcontroller
Software constantly monitors depletion of main battery voltage, free fall of aircraft, and distance from pilot according to GPS to keep the aircraft in sight.
Assemble the electronics on to the frame and finish the pre testing and necessary caliberation. Use the RC receiver and transmitter module to send the signal and control the drone flight or any other means.
Make sure that you understand your drone flight behaviour during initial flying and later you can take to safe heights and distances depending on your flying experience and stability controlling capability. FIx the cam and survey the area.
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