Fin is nothing but an extended surface found on the heat exchanging devices such as radiators in Car, Bike engines, Computer CPU heatsinks and Heat exchangers in power plants. An efficient Fin can really increase the performance of a system. There are various types of Fin and analyzing those theoretically takes a lot of effort. So, researchers around the world take help of numerical methods to analyze complex problem such as heat transfer through Fin. In this project, you will work on solving the various type of fin using numerical methods and compare it with a theoretical solution where it exists.
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In this project, you will study conductive heat transfer under one dimensional & two dimensional, steady-state conditions. The term one-dimensional refers to the fact that only one coordinate is needed to describe the spatial variation of the dependent variables. Hence, in a one-dimensional system, temperature gradients exist along only a single coordinate direction, and heat transfer occurs exclusively in that direction, whereas in a two-dimensional system, temperature gradients exist along two coordinate directions. The system is characterized by steady-state conditions if the temperature at each point is independent of time. Considering steady-state conduction by discussing heat transfer with no internal generation of thermal energy. The objective is to determine expressions for the temperature distribution and heat transfer rate in the different cross-sectional area of Fins.
Finally, using 1-D heat conduction, 2-D heat conduction, and convective heat transfer, you will analyze various types of fins (straight fin of the uniform cross-sectional area and non-uniform cross-sectional area, annular fin and pin fin) using both Analytical and Numerical methods. After solving you have to compare the numerical result with the theoretical result to check the accuracy of your solution and validating your numerical solution.
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Project Brief: At the end of this project you will have good knowledge of heat transfer through fins, mathematical modeling, and numerical methods. You can use this experience to model fluid flow problems (CFD) and solve them using numerical methods.
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Programming language: C programming language
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