For any foundation work it is very much necessary to study the mechanical parameter of soil before the concreting starts. To study the parameters on the deep foundation works,
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The project will conduct overall inversion for the soil mechanics parameters of each layer by means of layer-by-layer inversion, which reduces the interference of interaction between layers on back analysis research, avoid the difficulty that multi-layer soil parameters conduct back analysis research at the same, and greatly improve the efficiency of back analysis. In a layer-by-layer inversion, select the displacements at different depths of the underground continuous wall for back analysis research, which gives consideration to the verification of upper soil parameters and ensure the correctness of soil mechanics parameter in layer-by-layer inversion
Foundation pit at any place is taken as the study object if the pit taken is in the sub-station that can be best because the load coming from the above ground will also be studied and if not it is feasible to take any deep pit. The foundation work construction excavates the earthwork by section and layer, and open cut method is used for construction. Foundation pit excavated in a layer and the elevation of each layer is noted down.
Numerical simulation computation model: FLAC3D software is used to establish a 3-D numerical model for the deep pit of the taken example problem. Supporting structure, the additional load on the ground, excavation of foundation and boundary conditions are fixed.
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