This scaled rectangle loom is designed for use with a rigid heddle or for card weaving. It is basically designed for domestic use and the processed can be stalled when something else like pets, door bell etc. requires immediate attention.
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The cloth and warp beams are held in slots rather than holes making easy set up, and you can remove and set aside an unfinished project if something more interesting comes along.
Building own design make the machine more portable. The entire frame can be modeled and the same can be manufactured by laser technology, which gives accurate profile in cutting
The components required to build the machine are wood dowels,Strings,Hair ties,Wood glue (PVA), white or yellow, teflon tape, thread, Yarn, shuttle, and a rigid heddle or weaving cards
Place the warp beam and cloth beam in the slots. Place the ratchets on their pins and secure them with the small rings. Avoid glue because if the small rings are too loose, you can thicken the pins by wrapping tape, thread, or cling film around them
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The ratchets should move freely around the pins. If they don’t work to your satisfaction, put dowels in the unused holes and use these for the ratchets.The hair ties keep the beams in place while warping the loom
Plan the project for weaving, pass the raw material , run the rolls and get the desired weaved design which has been planned.
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