The following projects are based on laser. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using laser.
As we all know the importance of the fuel for an automobile but have you ever wondered by we get the dark smoke out of the silencer, ever wondered why our engines make prickling sound? The reason is incomplete combustion of the fuel inside the combustion.
3D printing or rapid prototyping method that has been traditionally used till this point have been very effective but the industry has been rapid just for name sake, to dissolve this problem DLP technology is introduced
Laser Engraver is a technique used for marking or engraving to mark a permanent data or code on any metallic or engineering material.
This scaled rectangle loom is designed for use with a rigid heddle or for card weaving. It is basically designed for domestic use and the processed can be stalled when something else like pets, door bell etc. requires immediate attention.
Launching satellites through Laser powered launch vehicle give low-cost access to space because no need to carry any onboard propellants and pollution is also reduced. Laser propulsion is a type of laser-powered thrust where the power source is a remote laser arrangement and separate from the response mass.
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