
Solar-Wireless Power Transfer


Wireless power transmission is the effective transfer of power from one point to another through any medium or vacuum without the use of wires. It is used where there is an immediate or continuous energy need. The solar project focuses on delivering energy to devices using low power using wireless transmission. Resonating coils play a vital role here transmitting power from an ac source to resistive load.

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1. Solar & Smart Energy Systems

2. Automatic Solar Tracker

Solar PWM charge controller:

A PWM is an electrical circuit which regulates the energy flow from solar panel to the battery. This prevents the battery from damage due to overcharging. The device detaches the battery from the panel once it is completely charged. It also regulates the input voltage from the panel to the battery to provide a stable output.

Inductive coupling:

When two coils are positioned side by side, the current flowing in the primary circuit naturally creates a magnetic field around the coil. The other coil placed near the primary one experiences a magnetic field that induces a current in the coil. This is known as inductive coupling and is the base for wireless power transmission.

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  • Arduino UNO
  • PWM charge controller
  • LCD display
  • Jumpers
  • Coils
  • Solar panel
  • ADC converter


The solar panel is connected to the battery using the charge controller. LCD is mounted on the battery to provide details about the battery status. The battery once charged starts powering the Arduino (1v – 5v). The Arduino provides the necessary power to the primary coil. The secondary coil experiences the magnetic field from the primary one and current is induced in the secondary coil through inductive coupling. A capacitor is used to reduce the ripple voltage. The technology is useful and green. In the current stage, it can only charge devices that runs on low power. The energy is converted from ac to dc, so we also need an ADC converter to achieve the same. However, in the future, this technology can be redesigned to charge devices that run on high power.


  • Solar energy is a clean and renewable resource of energy. It doesn't harm the environment in any respect.
  • This is a wireless system so there is no question of bulky wires getting entangled and causing confusion.
  • It is compact and can be carried anywhere.


The prime focus of this solar project is to combine wireless technology along with solar energy. The focus is to use the renewable resource of energy with wireless technology to deliver major goals and break the barriers of science. Some factors need to be overcome to achieve set goals. In the future, we can use this technology almost everywhere be it airports, industries, residential apartments, etc.

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Kit required to develop Solar-Wireless Power Transfer:
Technologies you will learn by working on Solar-Wireless Power Transfer:
Solar-Wireless Power Transfer
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-04-19

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