Hey there, to all the enthusiastic people and budding engineers out there. Engineering is not just learning stuff theoretically and practising it just before we need to go for a job. It is all about learning things by doing things at that moment. Hence, learning theory and performing practical go hand in hand in engineering. For that, you need to make some good engineering design projects which come in the form of minor project and major project in the final year of engineering. But one cannot learn everything by doing a limited number of projects, as we say that learning has no limits and no age, therefore, the more the number of projects you do, the more you learn to think out of the box, design things, improve your presentation and innovative skills and hence you get the knack of doing things artfully and skilfully.
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3. Robotic Arm
5. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
6. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
12. Automated Railway Crossing
15. Health Monitoring Wearable
In-fact, the word engineering itself is concerned with designing, building and making use of things in an artful way. So, in this article, you will learn about how to build a good engineering design project right from the start. It has got almost all the important things covered like a selection of topic, how to go about things once the topic is selected, what are the skills and approach required, etc.
Keep scrolling further to get more information.
Discover more about engineering design projects
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So firstly, you might wonder, what exactly is a senior design project. So here we go….
Senior design projects are those which offer students an opportunity to practically work on real-life engineering projects and provide solutions to those problems by the usage of real-time operating systems, databases, technology like image processing, optimizations and computer graphics. These projects generally take place for a duration of 1 to 2 semesters, wherein students form groups of 2 to 5 people under the guidance of a faculty advisor and go on to interact with the real management and engineering staff and gain experience. From this experience, they get a chance to integrate the knowledge and skills they have acquired from their previous courses.
Learn more about senior design projects
Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Electronics Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.
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You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and
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After knowing what a Senior design project is, the next most important step would be that of selecting a topic. It is one of the most fundamental steps because all the other further activities would be based on this aspect. So, the selection of topic involves certain steps which are as follows:
So, if you ever think that the selection of the topic is just a small thing and random, then you are wrong! Keep these things in mind!!!
After successfully selecting a topic for your project, the whole project takes shape depending upon the steps you take further to build it step by step. You are literally the architect of your own project! So given below are some tips you need to keep in mind to build a successful project:
So, it is very important for everyone to have good communication skills and presentation skills.
These are the tips you need to keep in mind to pull off a successful project!
Also do remember that going online and searching for projects is a good sign of development as an engineer. Skyfi Labs has launched some amazing online projects which cover all the aspects like computer vision to mechatronics to Data science and whatnot.
The following list of projects will guide you in building a successful design project:
Kindly check out the link to know more.
All the best and thank you!
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