In this article, you will gain knowledge about electronics and capstone projects that you can develop on top of it. We have included amazing and unique capstone projects, we will be discussing what is a capstone project then guidelines on how to choose a capstone project followed by some amazing tips and information on some of the best electronic capstone projects you can do as your final year project or senior project.
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3. Robotic Arm
5. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
6. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
12. Automated Railway Crossing
15. Health Monitoring Wearable
Explore more about capstone project
A capstone project is a highly academic and major project that is taken up by a student in the final year of their respective academic degree. It is the basic requirement for completing an academic course and getting a degree.
The main aim of the capstone project is to encourage students to showcase their areas of expertise in a particular field. The requirement of a capstone project demands it to be unique and innovative with no plagiarism involved.
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Selecting a capstone project can be a tedious task. Don't worry we have got you covered, we have researched and compiled best electronics capstone projects that you can start working on without any delay. Some of the best electronics capstone projects are discussed below.
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1. Animatronic Hand
The animatronic hand project is based on animatronic technology. It is a technology that facilitates the working of machines as humans by mimicking humans, as well as animal’s functionality. It can mimic movements like smiling, picking, moving fingers, etc. making it a cool capstone project.
The animatronic hand can identify and replicate the same actions the user does with his hands like making gestures with fingers and seeing the animatronic hand mimics it perfectly. In this electronics project, you will develop one such project where it will copy your hand movements. You will use Servo motors, Flex sensors, and Arduino board to build this project.
Click here and learn to make an animatronic hand
2. Home automation
Home automation is a trending technology. It helps the user to control all of the home appliances remotely through the internet. Home automation can be useful at times to detect theft and trespassing in a home effectively, it also brings comfort for its users.
In this electronics project, you will use Arduino to build a home automation system to remotely operate the home appliances.
Click here and learn to make a home automation project
3. Robotic Arm
A robotic arm is a complex combination of mechanical and electronic components. It is an intermediate level Arduino project and can be done as a capstone project. The Robotic arm can be programmed to perform various functions like picking, turning, sorting, spacing, etc. Its various cool functionalities are very useful in industrial applications.
In this electronics project, you will use Arduino to build a robotic arm that can be controlled via Bluetooth.
Click here and learn to make a robotic arm
4. Smart energy meter using GSM
Have you ever wondered why you are getting higher electricity bills, or want to know which device or appliance is consuming more power then try this smart energy meter using GSM project.
The smart energy meter can send you updates about the energy consumption of an appliance for a particular instance of time. It sends the updates to the user device by SMS service. In this capstone project, you will use the Arduino board with the GSM module to build a smart energy meter.
Click here and learn to make a smart energy meter using GSM
5. Automatic solar tracker
The problem with solar panels arises when the sun moves from its position concerning time. The conventional solar panel is not designed in a way that helps them get sunlight for the maximum amount of time. So the automatic solar tracker comes into the picture. An automatic solar panel has a sensor that senses the movement of the sun and adjusts the panel accordingly.
In this capstone project, you will use the Arduino board and solar panel to build an automatic solar panel.
Click here and learn to make an automatic solar tracker
6. GPS and GSM based tracker
A GPS and GSM based tracker can send a continuous update about its position using google maps to the user mobile.
In this electronics project, you will use GSM, GPS and Arduino microcontroller to build the location tracker device.
Click here and learn to make a GPS and GSM based tracker
7. Biometric authentication
A biometric authentication device allows or denies access to a person based on his fingerprint data.
In this electronics project, you will use a biometric reader, LCD, and Arduino microcontroller to build the Biometric authentication device.
Click here and learn to make a biometric authentication
8. Access control with RFID project
RFID refers to radio frequency identification. This is the most popular technology used for identification purposes.
In this electronics project, you will use the RFID cards, RFID readers, DC motors and Arduino microcontroller to build the RFID access control project.
Click here and learn to make an Access control with RFID project
9. Automated railway crossing
An automated railway crossing closes and opens gates based on train arrival. In this capstone project, you will use sensors and microcontrollers to build an automated railway crossing.
Click here and learn to make automated railway crossing
10. PCB manufacturing
To make an electronic project one needs a PCB (printed circuit board). hence knowing its manufacturing is very important.
In this project, you will use software tools to make a PCB prototype of a clap circuit.
Click here and learn to make PCB
11. Health monitoring wearable glove
Wearable gadgets are becoming a trend. These are one of the biggest inventions of the time. We will be focusing on the health-based application.
In this capstone project, you will use a pulse sensor, LCD and an Arduino microcontroller to build a health monitoring wearable glove that senses and displays the heart rate.
Click here and learn to make health monitoring wearable
12. Persistence of vision
Persistence of vision refers to the illusion which tricks the brain to detect motion when images are shown in succession.
In this project you will use LED, DC motors and Arduino microcontroller to make an LED-based POV display.
Click here and learn to make the persistence of vision device
13. Smart traffic lightning system
A smart traffic lightning system can autonomously control the flow of traffic with efficiency without human intervention.
In this electronics project, you will use IR sensors, traffic framework, and Arduino microcontroller to make smart traffic lightning system
Click here and learn to make a smart traffic lightning system
14. Automation using PLC
A PLC (programmable logic controller) can be used to automate electronic devices. In this PLC project, the robot can pick and place objects in the conveyer belt system.
In this capstone project, we will use PLC, SMPS, relays, motors and Arduino microcontroller to make an automated robot with PLC
Click here and learn to make automation using PLC
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