Power electronics is one of the sub-branches of the electrical sector. This power electronics has its importance as it will be dealing with every electric equipment that we use in our daily life. It will be unable to think about the world today without the power electronics. Although all the remaining sectors have its importance the power electronics becomes the crucial one that will support all the remaining components in any electrical device.
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3. Robotic Arm
5. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
6. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
12. Automated Railway Crossing
15. Health Monitoring Wearable
Well, power electronics can be defined as a hybrid of analog electronics, power engineering, control systems, and semiconducting devices. Electrical energy cannot be used until it is converted into a distinct form of energy like light, motion, heat, sound, etc. So, we take the fundamentals of the above-mentioned subjects and apply them in a combined way to get a regulated form of electricity. The way of regulating the electricity by using the mentioned techniques form power electronics.
Power electronics advancement took place in the year 1958 by General Electric & Co. they have developed silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCR) or also called commercial thyristors. Before this development the control of the electricity as mainly done by using mercury arc reactors and thyristors.
In short, power electronics are used almost everywhere in the electrical world starting from the mobile adapter for transmission and distribution of electricity. All the devices of power electronics are made to act as switches and mainly have two functions i.e. ON and OFF. Now for the devices that are required to work as switch, they should follow the basic characteristic of the switch i.e. when the switch is turned OFF the voltage drop across it must be to full extent and the power crossing through it must be zero and when the switch is in ON position the voltage drop must be zero and should carry the full current through it.
There are many types of power electronics out there some of them are mentioned below:
It is, therefore, it is provident that power electronics is also the best choice for a career. So, you must develop practical skills in this segment and this can only be developed by performing projects.
Learn electronics by building projects
Here is a list of the projects. You can use these project ideas for your mini and major project ideas:
Solar and smart energy systems
Slowly electrical energy has also become a need in daily life. We cannot imagine the world with electrical energy and it is also been wasted at the same rate. The major source of generation of electricity is also a non-renewable energy source and due to its excessive usage, it may perish within 2 to 3 decades. This is the reason that every company is looking at renewable energy and even the government is also encouraging the industries that are planning to install renewable energy sources and especially on solar energy.
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In this power electronics project, you will be learning how to make a charger from a solar panel and make it work. This will an introduction to how to do a solar panel convert sunlight to electrical energy. After this project, you will build automatic traffic lighting systems where the traffic signal lights will be changing for the density of the vehicles present on the road. Thereby saving the energy and time of the individuals.
Learn more about solar and smart energy systems projects
Home automation system using IoT
After the invention of the smartphone, the way of life became much easier. We can find a solution to any problem easily in the smart era. This also led to a smarter world of automation. Nowadays every electronic component can be controlled using the mobile phone.
In this power electronics project, you will be using the Bluetooth technology and you will be able to control the electronic appliances manually turning the switch on. And also you will be learning the IoT technology where the live status of the electronic appliances is uploaded to the cloud in regular intervals, thereby you can know the status of your electronic appliances from anywhere in the world.
Learn more about Home automation using IoT projects
Smart Building using PIR
This is the smart era. Everything we do is being made smarter by the implantation of the sensor and cloud data. We can control anything from the devices but just imagine if the lights are powering on in the presence of you in the room and vice versa.
In this power electronics project, you will be doing the same thing. You will be integrating the microcontroller with the sensors and make a normal room to a smart room. The lights in the room will be turned on if you are present in the room and it will automatically be turned off in your absence. By developing this project you will learn the new automation techniques and also energy conservation techniques.
Learn more about Smart building using PIR projects
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More interesting ideas are furnished below:
These are the project that can increase your practical skills on power electronics and also helps you in acquiring a job in power electronics. All these projects can be performed as your academics projects. We would suggest you perform as many projects as possible and increase your practical skills.
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