Robotics for kids

Good Engineering projects list for high school students


We all have a lot of memories and school memories are among the best ones we all ever had!

And to the ones reading this article who are still in school, I have only one message to give “Study Hard, but don't forget to live life to the fullest and also be regular in classes because after coming out of school you won't get a chance to attend those classes full of waves of laughter, scolding, tasty tiffins again! So, don't miss it “

Coming to projects, We all want to make a project that can make us the hero of the class for whose project teacher is asking the class to applaud, she is repeatedly giving your example to students for more project making ideas and out there your crush is smiling at you!

It sounds like a dream. Right?

This article gives you a wide variety of engineering projects for school students.

Well, then let’s go ahead and see If we can make this dream come true.

First Things First, So How will you select a project?

Read more..

Note about Robotics for kids Note:

Have you checked out our projects on Robotics for kids yet?
Robotics for kids Kit will be shipped to you and you can build using tutorials. You can start with a free demo today!

1. Robotics Explorer (Age 11+)

2. Robotics Champion (Age 14+)

3. Coding Champion (Age 14+)

4. Coding Starter (Age 8+)

5. Coding Explorer (Age 11+)

6. Drones Starter (Age 8+)

7. Drones Explorer (Age 11+)

8. Drones Champion (Age 14+)

So, here we go!

Also read:
Robotics for Kids - A Complete Guide for Parents and Teachers
What is the right age to start learning Robotics?
10 Reasons why kids should learn Robotics
How to teach Robotics to kids?

How to select a project for a science fair?

  1. The first thing is to decide the theme or topic on which you would like to work, study it properly, analyze it, research on it and categorize it according to the area you will be covering.
  2. Now, since you have finally decided on which topic you have to work, look for a source that can provide you proper guidance towards it along with the required work kit, you may consent a senior, teacher, book, website or anything that will help in moulding your talent.
  3. Start your project, note down every observation you have taken and all the new things you have learned and make a project report.

Here is a few Good Engineering projects list for high school students which you can give a shot!

Latest projects on Robotics for kids

Want to develop practical skills on Robotics for kids? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free

Good Engineering projects list for high school students

1. Line follower robot:

Did you know what was the sue of writing into dotted cursive writing books? Well showed us the best possible path to follow while writing.

Lines have always been interesting in giving directions or indicating something to someone.

The same is the thing with the line follower Robot, this is a very disciplined robot and only follows the path that has been traced by the instructor.

And, the best thing about this school project is no prior programming skills are required for this project.

Learn more about this project

How to build Robotics for kids projects Did you know

Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Robotics for kids Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.

You can enrol with friends and receive kits at your doorstep.

You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and grab the best jobs.
Start Learning Robotics for kids today!

2. Gesture controlled robot:

Well, we can’t guarantee you to control each and everything happening in your life but yes here we can guarantee you can control a robot with gestures.

This is the speciality of this robot, and that’s how its name has been kept “Gesture Robot”.

Its fun to make and operate and is packed will a bunch of new concepts and interesting learning experiences with block programming with scratch!

That means you need not have any prior programming experience to make it!

What you will learn from this project?

You can learn a lot of things like:

  1. Working with ADXL accelerometer sensor
  2. Scratch based block programming, therefore no prior programming experience required.

Learn more about this project


The word robot comes from the Czech word 'robota’ which means ‘drudgery’

3. Edge detection robots

That mini heart attack moment when your self-driven robotic car is about to fall from the edges?

Oh Gosh! I had put in soo much effort to make it and now it had fallen and got disordered?

Are You relating to the above lines? Then No Worries!

We have something called an edge-detection Robot, that will automatically detect the edges of any table and change its direction accordingly!

It's a bit tough to make but worth putting your time in!

What you will learn from this school project?

  1. Working on the IR sensor.
  2. Programming from scratch and prior programming experience required.

Learn more about this school project


Many people think that robots will dominate over humans as they will start making their species.

4. Measuring heart rate using doppler ultrasound:

Remember playing with that doctor’s kit when you were young?

Would you like to make a real application of it, Well then this school project can help you with this?

By making this project you will learn about the Doppler’s Ultrasound and learn how it is effective in measuring the heart rate as compared to other measuring methods.

This project is something you can ask others to experience once you have made it, your friends and family will be impressed by looking at the hard work you have put up.

You will require things like 3MHz Pocket Doppler's Device, Ultrasound gel, wrist heart rate monitor, stopwatch and a notebook for recording the readings.

What you will learn from this project?

  1. The Doppler’s Ultrasound
  2. Use of Doppler’s Technology in measuring heart rate.
5. Energy-efficient windows

Is your room in an area that constantly gets cold air in the winters? What to do then? well, you might have heard from a lot of people to use thick curtains.

Is this true? It is. Certain window coverings trap the heat within the room and by doing this experiment you can make energy-efficient windows.

These windows will help you understand the conduction and transfer of heat and energy.

By doing this project, you will learn:

  1. Thicker curtains trap more heat within than the thicker windows.
  2. Windows covered with no curtains let the heat out easily and trap no heat within.
  3. Conductors and Insulators
6. Bridge project

Have you ever seen a bridge? It's wonderful. Right?

Want to make a bridge of your own? Then you can go with this project!

This engineering school project will clear your basics about bridges, you can look at it as a mini basic version of engineering drawing subject.

Through this school project, you will learn about how structures are made, the shapes that the makers keep in mind while making bridges.

By doing this project, you will learn

  1. Every shape has a different structural role and stability.
  2. Some particular shapes can hold bridges for years.
  3. Compression and Tension in Bridges.
7. Keep the boat afloat

Boats have been a great part of our childhood memories. Who doesn’t knows how to make a paper boat?

But, do you know there is a reason the boats have certain shapes and that’s the main objective of this project that is to understand the relation between boat shapes and the force of buoyancy.

By doing this project, you will learn

  1. The relation between boats and the reason why they are of some particular shapes.
  2. Force of buoyancy
  3. The relation between density and buoyancy
  4. How does the boat carry weights?
8. Wind turbine design

A wind turbine is used to make energy from high-speed waves present in the air.

This school project will help you in understanding and making wind turbines. So, that you can have a much better and clear understanding of them.

The wind is a renewable source of energy and is very widely used for the generation of energy.

What you will learn from this project?

  1. What is a turbine?
  2. How can wind turbines be made?


Sometimes you might think that what is the use of doing a project? But, projects help you in understanding the topics in the best possible way one can, when you create a  project you learn a lot of things not only about the project but also the things apart from the project.

Keep Learning! Keep Enjoying!

Explore all the school projects

Good Engineering projects list for high school students
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2023-04-15

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