Robotics for kids

How Robotics competition help kids to prepare for the future?

Robotics in very simple terms means learning and working with robots. Robotics competitions as in the 21st century not only help our students to gain and develop skills that are essential for professional survival in the world but also helps the students develop a technical mindset towards the real-time scenario. It also helps school students to understand the importance of robotics STEM education.

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1. Robotics Explorer (Age 11+)

2. Robotics Champion (Age 14+)

3. Coding Champion (Age 14+)

4. Coding Starter (Age 8+)

5. Coding Explorer (Age 11+)

6. Drones Starter (Age 8+)

7. Drones Explorer (Age 11+)

8. Drones Champion (Age 14+)

Explore more about robotics for kids

What is robotics for kids?

Robotics for kids means a hands-on method to learn STEM concepts under making the actual robots. It might appear confusing to us as adults about what would exactly robotics mean for the kids. But in time, kids will themselves figure it out and then the parents will cherish the benefits of robotics. 

In robotics for kids and STEM education, kids will learn about the different kinds of robots and how to make them from scratch. They may develop an electric arm or a racing car or their own new game. Though all these at the basic level might appear to be simple, this would be the start. Once the child gains interest in the field he would be bound to rise high.  You can explore more at -Robotics competition for kids

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Why is robotics important for kids?

The robotics competitions are one of the best ways for students to start with their basic interaction with STEM education. The robotics competitions for kids might appear to be confusing on the outside but, these surely help the child to gain insight into where the world is evolving in terms of technological advancements. 

The robotics competition will allow enough space and provide enough surrounding for your child to be ready to face the unexpected. It might be the case that about 20 years from now, everything would be automated and you will find more machines i.e robots than actual humans at the workplace. 

Apart from making your child ready for his future endeavours, the competitions help develop qualities like teamwork and healthy competition. The child will get to know how the world works and how people interact with each other, help each other and build amazing things with technology. 

Further participating in robotics competitions will build a problem-solving approach in your child. He would be able to easily comprehend more than one solution to any given problem. This special quality will not only help him find more than one solution for the same problem but will also help him see the many different perspectives that a similar kind of problem can have. Moreover, it will help him to implement the same in the outside world. 

Robotics for school students will make them passionate about anything they wish to do. It will help in building the habit of doing whatever your kid wants to do with the whole heart and determination. 

Top robotics competitions for kids

There are many robotics competitions for students all over the world in various domains. Some of the top kid’s robotics competitions are:

Robo-one: It is a robot competition for bipedal humanoid robots. The first Robo-one competition involved one on one matches and was held in 2002 in Japan.

World Robot Olympiad: This is a world-class robotics competition held in four different categories namely regular, college, open and Soccer.

First Championship: It is another robotics competition organised every year in April in three different challenges LEGO, Tech and the final Robotics Challenge.

Micromouse: Micromouse is a robotics competition in which the small robot mice are programmed to solve a 16*16 maze. It was first organised in the 1970s. 

Botball: Botball focusses on a team-oriented robotics competition and is for middle and high school students.

EARLY Robotics: It is a program which introduces the scholars aged 7 to 12 to the opportunity to design and build robots. They are encouraged to participate in other robotics competitions as well. 

RoboExpo: Robo Expo is not a competition but a platform, an event for young minds to come together and express their interests in robotics uniquely. It is held every year in New York. 

RoboFest: It is a series of robotics competitions where students from all over the world participate with their autonomous robots in various activities and learn and develop a deep understanding of the principles of STEM. 

ABU Robocon: It is an Asian Robo fest which was founded by Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union in 2002. In this robotics competition, individual robots participate to compete against one another to complete the allotted task in a given time frame. 

How to build Robotics for kids projects Did you know

Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Robotics for kids Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.

You can enrol with friends and receive kits at your doorstep.

You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and grab the best jobs.
Start Learning Robotics for kids today!

How Robotics competitions help kids to prepare for the future?

In the fast technologically evolving world, it has become more important than ever to encourage our children to build a basic understanding of technology. Young children learning robotics throughout their school life will increase their chances of standing out from the rat race.

Learning robotics and STEM education, will not only help your child you develop creative and innovative thinking but also develop the problem-solving approach lacking in many of the children. 

Several countries have realised the need for basic robotics and STEM education at the early school level. There are various programs and robotics fests organised all over the world for school students to develop an interest in technology. 

Today technology is not only limited to boys. Girls get new wings to empowerment when they have technical knowledge. Learning robotics and participating in as many robotics competitions will help your child to face the real world in a better strategic manner in future. 

Discover more about How to prepare your child for future

How Robotics competition help kids to prepare for the future?
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2024-04-04

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