Airline reservation system using JAVA

It is a processing environment where the passenger can book their airline seats. It works on the TCP/IP network and the communications are done based on its protocols. The system is very useful in giving the passengers an alternative way to book seats while at their comfort places. The addition of the new systems to the open architecture of the java system is provided by the VRS Suite. The suite consists of four parts which are reservations, flight inventory, fares, and ticketing ticket-less module. All the parts work together with each other to facilitate the service of booking the tickets.

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Objective of the project

The objectives of the system are quite large, some of them are maintaining passenger records, Quick response to the passengers, Security, and protection of confidential data obtained by the passengers, reservation of tickets, Transaction management, etc. These services need a good Object-Oriented Programming language to make the application user-friendly.

Requirements for the projects

  • A server such as Oracle 8i is used to record the data to Web Logic Server.
  • An Intel Pentium2 high microprocessor.
  • A Local Area Network based on the TCP/IP Protocol.

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Working of the Application

For the ease of the application, we have to use distributed technology. Distributed technology can detect the resources and operate on it while it still was being used. The two available technologies are J2EE and .NET. These two provide a platform to do the coding for the application. As Java is an object-oriented programming language, it is based on events in the real world.

The system will help in managing the different branches of the airlines located in several parts of the country. The system should be of three layers among which the application layer is present on the client-side, whereas the other two business layer and data layer at the server-side. The developer maintains the different classes in programming it is developed on the J2EE platform. The concept involves programming with java and RDBMS (Relational Database Management Systems).

The source code is available on the internet or you can type it on your own. The project report and documentation files are also available for free. It’s up to the developer to create the interface as user-friendly as possible. The system avails the user to book tickets from anywhere from any airline’s services. The developer should keep an eye on the main objectives of the project. The developer should also possess knowledge about Java coding.  


Once done the application is good to be implemented and the passengers can easily use it as per their convenience. Java programming language provides us a way to create applications that are very helpful in the real world. The employees of the airline’s services can also use it to maintain the records of its passengers. The database management of java platform is also very helpful and this project is very easy to implement. 

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Kit required to develop Airline reservation system using JAVA:
Technologies you will learn by working on Airline reservation system using JAVA:
Airline reservation system using JAVA
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2021-04-01

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