Smart City Travelling Android App Developed with JAVA
Shirin Tikoo

This android project looks similar to tourist guide but it has totally various highlights, the purpose of or building up this android application is to make a timetable for the voyagers/traveler making a trip to the city and needed to explore the city by specifying the time in hours. The framework at that point insightfully dissects the poll and makes a timetable for an explorer dependent on the gave time. Above all else, the voyager/traveler needs to enroll himself by topping off the subtleties utilizing an android application. After successful registration, user can sign in now utilizing login credentials which then proceeds with a questionnaire where application ask the user about their liking and habits. Based on the questionnaire, the application astutely dissects for the spot dependent on the user indicated time. The application is sufficiently proficient to look through the spot naturally dependent on FourSquare API. The development is done in Java for Android Application for User/Traveler. This application likewise encourages you to discover puts close by you or around the globe. In the wake of looking for a spot, the guide will show the subtleties, for example, name, zone, area, telephone no. and kilometers from the present area of the user.
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Project Description
Let get started by downloading Android Development IDE i.e Android Studio either Eclipse or any of your choice if don’t have one in your PC and if you have one, here we go -
- Homepage - This page will have i.e the first is a catch for Admin Login and another for User Login.
- There are two basic features of our proposed structure, smart city traveler. These are:
- Find nearby places, cafes, shopping centers according to your taste.
- Scheduler: It schedule user visit according to him/her, which can help them to explore the city well.
- It will tell the user, the best way to arrive at the desired destination.
- Some recommended modules for android Smart city traveler can be:
- User Module: Via user module, user can make account into the application and can use it for future purposes and moreover get the latest updates totally.
- Database Module: This module contains all of the data related to the structure, for instance, users that are enrolled in the framework, etc. that are enrolled in the structure, and so forth. Time-wise update of the database will provoke advantageous updation of information in the client's record also.
- Admin Module: All the updates and extension and wiping out of information related to places and other information are revived by methods for this module. Simply the admin has the alternative to get to this module.
- Java- Java is the most exceptional language that rings a bell when we talk about the android application. In this assignment, we will utilize Java as our programming language.
- XML- XML for design/layout the app.
- Database- for storage purposes.
- Again these modules rely on the planner's need, So you can change the module as appeared by your needs.
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Project Implementation:
- This task will contain more spotlight/focus and information to deal with, So be prepared.
- Now let start with the first step is to make another undertaking by any name then as the documents get stacked and as we know that Gradle is built, we’ll have activity_main.xml and and here we have MainActivity which will be recognized as the main homepage screen with two-buttons.
- In the second step, we have to make the User Interface of our App. The User Interface will be exceptionally major and simple to utilize.
- After UI is complete, move forward toward the coding part.
- In class, Intent is utilizing to explore users’ decisions. An Intent is a class that is utilized to depict an activity to be performed. It is an essential way that assists engineers with beginning another movement inside an application. It can likewise be utilized as a device to impart between activities.
- For all activities, we should declare the intent filters in the manifest file.
- Now our Smart city traveler App utilizes Google Maps API v2 to achieve show the guide, include markers to guide and access clients' scopes and longitudes. So as to use Google Maps administration, the application needs to enroll for a building key on Web headways.
- Presently make java class according to your needs, for example, a,,, and so on and start coding.
- Next, it's time for setting up (here setting means coding, declare, initialize) all methods, listeners, and buttons needed in all the pages
Like for,,,, etc. , these means get done with all the coding for each and every page.
In the wake of finishing the perplexing part i.e the coding, it's time to run the app and see the result.
Requirement -
-Programming language -Java, XML for designing the app
-FourSquare API
-Operating System - any os like a window, Linux.
-Android Studio or Eclipse IDE or Notepad++
- A USB cable
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Kit required to develop Smart City Travelling Android App Developed with JAVA:
Technologies you will learn by working on Smart City Travelling Android App Developed with JAVA:
Smart city traveler using Android
Skyfi Labs
2020-01-01 •
Last Updated: