Online staff leave management system (JAVA)

Today everybody in the world is busy in their workplaces and they need some break to enjoy their lives. But earlier a few years back taking leave by asking the HR was so typical and difficult. The traditional system has now completely changed. The traditional system was difficult to operate. Now we have come up with the solution to this problem by making an online system that is able to track staff member leaves on the basis of HR approval. It can easily automate leave applications. The HR basically performs a major function in the online leave management system. He is the one who approves leaves. This idea mainly eliminates the need for tabulation work and automate the leaves in a very efficient way.

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Online staff leave management system (JAVA) project Looking to build projects on JAVA?:

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Technologies used in this system:

Java-For writing all source code

JSP-For writing down front end code.

Javascript-For performing validation tasks and animation addition.

HTML/CSS- For creating front end designing and styling.

MySQL-It is deployed in the backend for database management.

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Feasibility of the Proposed System

This java project enables proper transparency to the staff/user as well as for the Admin/HR and it also enhances the discipline in staff. It also allows providing accurate information to staff and HOD regarding their leaves. It creates awareness among staff about the leaves permissible. Moreover, this system works like time-saver for both staff and HOD.

The modules of this system are as under:

  1. Staff Module
  2. Admin Module

The functions of the staff module are as under:

Registration: Firstly, registration is needed. The user who wants to avail this leave facility, he or she should register themselves first. Registration can be done by using username, password, mobile number and user email id.

Login: After registering himself/herself user can directly login by entering username and password. User can access after logging in the main staff leave management page. If in case user forgets his/her password he/she can easily retrieve the password by clicking on forget password option. By clicking on this link user redirect to his /her email so by that he/she can retrieve password. If in some case user enters the wrong password, a pop-up message will come up showing “log denied”.

Number of leaves: - After login, if login is successful user can easily check out his/her total leaves available.

Apply Leave: - This button enables the user to apply for leaves and user also mention the reason for leaves.

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Track Leave Status: - Users can check whether their leave is administered or not.      

Cancel Leave: - User also has the facility to cancel out if his/her leave before being processed by HOD.

Logout: - After performing all desired activities user can exit from the application.

The functions of the Admin Module is as under:

Login: Admin/HOD can log in by entering his/her id or respective password. Only authorized personnel can access this account if in case Admin enters the wrong password immediately pop up message arrives saying “LOGIN IS DENIED”.

Change Password: Admin can change his/her password by using this button.

Forgot Password: If in case Admin forgets the password, he/she can retrieve it using this button.

Delete staff: If some employee left the institution Admin can delete their details.

Update Admin profile: Admin if wishes to change or modify his details he can use this option.

Add new Staff: HOD has the privilege to enter new staff by adding values such as staff_id, name, D.O.B, Dept_id, Dept_name, cell_no.

View staff details: HOD can visualize the staff details any time he wants to view.

Add leaves: Admin/HOD can enter leaves.

Check leave type: Admin/HOD can check out the category of leave applied by the staff.

Approve leave: HOD/Admin has the authority to accept the leave application and approve that.

Cancel Leave: Admin can cancel leave anytime depending upon the situation.

Check leave status: Admin can check whether the leave is processed or not.

Check leave balance: He can also administrate the total balance of leave on the basis of this function admin can approve leave, if there is no remaining leave present then there will be a pop-up message showing “No more leaves”.

Check report of all staff: Admin can check out the report of employee whenever they want to check.

Kit required to develop Online staff leave management system (JAVA):
Technologies you will learn by working on Online staff leave management system (JAVA):
Online staff leave management system (JAVA)
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2021-07-02

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