Animatronic Hand using Glove
Athulya Menon

Do you have an innate interest in robotics and mechatronics? Then this project is for you. Automation and robotics are taking over the world, and as upcoming engineering, it is important for you to keep up with the times. Arduino has been a disruptive technology that made an impact on almost all fields of engineering.
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In this project, we will create an animatronic hand using Arduino and then control it using a glove. This project not only help you to do something that you are passionate about, but it will also help you to about the basics of mechanical and electrical engineering.
Project Description:
In this project, we will use fundamental concepts of mechanical design and Arduino architecture to create a robotic or animatronic hand. The hand will use servo motors to move and will communicate with the Arduino via the nRF24L01module. The Arduino receiver and transmitter will require necessary coding, which isn't very difficult. Moreover, the source codes for using the Arduino to broadcast and acquire data are available online. The robotic hand will be controlled using a wireless glove. In short, this Animatronic hand will tie together seamlessly concepts used in mechanical, mechatronics and electrical engineering.
Project Implementation:
- Making the robotic hand's framework is the most challenging part of the project. There are two things you can do to accomplish this task.
- If you have access to a 3D printer, draft the structures you need and get them printed. But if this option is not available to you, then don't worry, you can create the hand by yourself.
- Start by drawing up plans for the hand using basic machine design principles. Try wood as a starting material to determine the precise structure required to facilitate movements. Once you are confident with the length, breadth, and weight of each finger, cut it out in wood, cork or PVC.
- Use an angle grinder make the grooves required to make the pieces fit together.
- Use sandpaper to create the curves needed to allow the hand to rotate.
- Drill holes for hinges and attach the arrangement using nuts and bolts.
- Use fishing wire to enable the closing and opening movement.
- You can also cast the palm out of steel as it needs to take more weight.
- Visit a machine shop with a few lathes to discuss what can be done to fabricate such a part.
- Once you have completed making the hand, create supports to hold the five servo motors and Arduino nano boards.
- Make sure you place them correctly, so they don't touch each other while rotating.
- Finally, connect the fingers to the servo motors via the fishing wires.
- Knot them together such that when the motor is vertical, the finger opens, and when the motor is at 180°, the finger closes.
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- Next, connect the servos to the battery and Arduino with the help of breadboard.
- Use a power adaptor for the nRF24L01+ module to prevent loss of power.
- Connect the negative part of the breadboard to the Arduino's GND.
- Use a voltage divider for the flex sensors.
- Each flex sensor must be attached to a separate analog pin via the voltage divider.
- Use a pre-built Arduino receiver and transmitter code to send and receive data from the flex sensors.
- Optimize the servo motor angle based on maximum and minimum values obtained from the sensors.
Connections for the Animatronic hand
Servo Motors:
- Servo-1 - analog 01 (A1)
- Servo-2 - 02 (A2)
- Servo-3 - 03 (A3)
- Servo-4 - 04 (A4)
- Servo-5 - 05 (A5)
nRF24L01 Module to Arduino:
- VCC - +5V
- CE - digital 9 pin
- CSN-10 pin
- SCK-13 pin
- MOSI-11 pin
- MISO-12 pin
Flex sensors to Arduino:
- Flex-1- analog 01 (A1)
- Flex-2 -analog 02 (A2)
- Flex-3- analog 03 (A3)
- Flex-4- analog 04 (A4)
- Flex-5- analog 05 (A5)
Tools and Equipment Required
- Gloves for safety
- String
- Electronic Drilling Tool
- Glue gun/Solder
- Cable Ties
- Fast and Strong Adhesive
- Rubber or Spring
- Steel Wires
- Filament
- Screws/Nuts
Concepts Used
- Basic mechanical engineering
- Basic drafting and engineering drawing
- Arduino architecture and Programming
- Circuit-making and basic electronics
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Kit required to develop Animatronic Hand using Glove:
Technologies you will learn by working on Animatronic Hand using Glove:
Animatronic Hand using Glove
Skyfi Labs
2019-09-26 •
Last Updated: