Mini Conveyor Belt Mechanism

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Mini Conveyor Belt Mechanism
The conveyor belt mechanism is used for carrying the medium one place to another place where continuously transformation should be needed.Main part of the project is belt, bearings ,rollers,supporting rods and shafts.Conveyor system consists of two or more pulleys to carry medium with endless rotation.There are two main types of belt conveyor mechanism is used for industrial purposes.One is used in inside the factories which can able transfer smaller size of things. The second one is handling with bulk materials where industries needs to carry large amount of material.

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Project Description:

  1. DC MOTOR:DC motor is used for running the conveyor with continuous loop.For this project you can use 12V motors which is enough for to carry the load.the motor what we are using for this project is brushed motor.Motor speed can be varied by the regulator.
  2. BEARING:It is a machine element which reduces the friction of the machine shaft with supporting with the body.It is mainly used for support and hold the rotating shaft within the any mechanical system
  3. ROLLERS:Rollers are used for holding the belt conveyors where convers will be rotating over on the rollers.Rollers are connected to the shaft with help of bearings where you can reduce the friction
  4. RUBBER BELT:Rubber belt is used as a conveyor for transfering the materials.It is one of the material which is used as a medium for making of belt conveyor.Industrial purpose conveyors are made up of mixed with the stainless steel which can able to carry a large amount of quantity.
  5. CONTROL CIRCUITRY:It has microcontroller and internal memory which can be programmed for controlling the motors,actuators in a different type of speed. The embedded board act s as a mini computer where more than one logic programmes is being stored based on the work it can be implemented at any time that you want.

Project Implementation:

  1. Take the metal frame and connect the rods between the two metal frame with help of the rollers. Before fixing the roller into the frame the bearing should be attached with the rollers.Then mount the belt conveyor around the metal frame with a proper intensity.The motor should be fixed with the any one of rollers which can make rotate hole conveyor mechanism.The circuitry system is connected with the motor for running the conveyor at the different speed.

Skyfi Labs Projects
Kit required to develop Mini Conveyor Belt Mechanism:
Technologies you will learn by working on Mini Conveyor Belt Mechanism:

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