The main objective of this project is to build a robot that can conduct a land survey, especially help a user in the calculation of area of the given land and divide into subplots accordingly. You need to use Zigbee technology to establish the connection and make the robot work efficiently.
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4. Robotic Arm
7. Hexapod
This project has two parts, one is the survey robot and another is the area measurement module. Timer concept is used to calculate the distance travelled by the robot and the value is transmitted to the PC using Zigbee technology. And next comes the area calculation module where the embedded C language is used to efficiently determine the area of the plot.
Zigbee technology is a bi-directional wireless communication technology for shorter distance, lower complexity, lower cost & power consumption. Also because of low data rate, this technology is mainly used in automatic control of systems.
The advantages of this robot is that manpower required to carry out such area calculation activities can be reduced drastically and also the number of equipments required. It helps both in time saving and achieving better accuracy compared to the conventional methodologies.
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The land survey robot performs three important tasks,
Project Brief: The control unit transmits the command using Zigbee, which is received by the Zigbee receiver unit in the robot. The survey robot then moves according to the instructions received. There will also be a LCD display mounted which displays the value of lengths. A buzzer and stepper motor is used when subdivision of plot is performed. The geared DC motor is used for actuation and is controlled by the L293D motor driver. A 12V battery or a 12V adapter is used to power up the entire robotic system.
Programming language: Embedded C language
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