Recently, Robot Technology has gained popularity,about how to access the robot as much as easily to comfortable for that new method and technologies innovation occur.Here simple method implementing to controls the wheels of the robot.
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4. Robotic Arm
7. Hexapod
In home appliances the TV is the mostly available in every house.The television channel is changed by the tv Remote.The infrared lights are used to change the channel and in tv circuit there will be receiver so when we are pressing the remote so the receiver receives the whatever the channel,volume,menu,etc. are changing.
Same process to change the wheels of the robot by pressing the tv remote we have in every mode.So simple to implement this project, on the robot model the operation are control by the normal 8051 microcontroller.
When the forward,backward,left,right,stop by pressing the button in TV remote is channel ++,--.volume ++,-- and centre button of the tv remote.
By pressing the above button robot wheels can control,on the robot mode there will be a infrared receiver will be placed is connected to the microcontroller so according to the program,which button is pressed on tv remote the controller identifies the signal then signal is passed to motor drive the wheels can moves and controlled.
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