
Agriculture robot using Arduino

Agriculture industry is wide and ever-growing as the farmers being the backbone for food production but the technological advancements seen in the field of agriculture is quite less compared to other industries now so to minimize the effort and drastically increasing the efficiency of the work use of robotics is must in agriculture. Robots can be used for many purposes in agriculture like seeding, irrigation, fertilizing, harvesting etc. so let’s start with designing a robot for this task. Agriculture is valuable compared to others fields from occupation as well as from the needs point of view.

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The utilization of technology in agriculture needs automation techniques. The Agricultural field promises a wide scope for improvement, which makes the work of farmers relaxed in the agricultural system and ultimately helps in effective crop quality or quality production. At the end this robot should be able to do many complex and time-consuming operations quickly like Seeding, where it has to check the moisture content if its less inc the moisture content and drop the seed, operation like irrigation here again moisture check should be done and watered based on requirement, we should even be able to change the settings based on crops like rice will need a large amount of water, apart from these it should be able to do weed control and manuring. Basically, all these are part of a day to day work-life of a farmer

Agriculture robot using Arduino project Looking to build projects on Robotics?:

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1. Animatronic Hand

2. Surveillance Robot

3. 7 Robots (Combo Course)

4. Robotic Arm

5. Biped Walking Robot

6. Sensor Guided Robotics

7. Hexapod

8. Swarm Robotics

9. Mobile Robotics

10. Sixth Sense Robot

11. 2 Mechatronics Projects

12. Gesture Based Robotics

13. Voice Controlled Robot

14. WiFi Controlled Robot

15. Maze Solver Robot

16. Bluetooth Robotics

17. Fire Fighting Robot

Project Requirements:

We are going to make a multifunctional robot which will do many tasks for that we will require a set of sensors like:

  1. Ultrasonic Sensor:HC SR04 for four direction detection the back sensor will be mounted on a 9g micro Servo to be able to rotate 180 for aligning.
  2. Orientation Sensor:this will help to read and calibrate the robot in particular motion like roll yaw and pitch these data will be taken from the android mobile which user will use to control the motion.
  3. Soil moisture sensor:it measures the water content in the soil.
  4. Driving Motors Driver(L298N):it facilitates a smoother motion of the robot and controls the rotation of motors.
  5. Arduino Mega:Arduino mega will be the board on which all the drivers and electronics will be mounted or connected for effective operation.
  6. 5. A box and a water can will be required to do the seeding and spraying of fertilizers and other such kind of operations.

Project Implementation:

The implementation will start from making the correct connections between all the sensors and making sure they are calibrated and once all the sensors are connected we are going to dump the Arduino code for controlling all the operations which will help us control the actuators. once all are connected the driver needs to practice the control motions and drive the robot on fields and gain input from the motions and improve the bot where ever is required its not a one-day process to create a well-operating bot for agricultural purpose but it is necessary to continuously improve it and make work more effective on fields.

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Software requirements:

  1. Arduino IDE software used for dumping firmware that was created for the robot into Arduino Mega Board.

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Kit required to develop Agriculture robot using Arduino:
Technologies you will learn by working on Agriculture robot using Arduino:
Agriculture robot using Arduino
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-05-19

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