Multipurpose Robot For Military
Karthy R

The military robot utilization of robotics technology for fighting terror and defense of the nation. The human lives are highly valuable, the soldier lives more important to stay us alive in the combat field.
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The robotics technology so highly developing the robot is named as the unmanned ground vehicles. In the military application, the latest technology is the drone without pilot the drone is controlled in the base of the military center and far distance everything in the high-speed internet to access the drone.
The same kind of concept to advance the ground field unmanned vehicle is implemented to check the terrorist on the unreserved area and the border of the countries. Here the radio frequency technology is used to control the robot direction and the camera is fixed to surveillance the area to transmit the live stream, the PIR sensor is also fixed on the robot it also detect the humans,the proximity sensor also to detect the landmine, a gun is placed on the top of robot near to the camera to aim the target and fire. The 8051 family series is used as the controller to operate the whole operation of the system.
Project Description:
- AT89S52: The AT89S52 is a low power, high performance CMOS 8-bit microcontroller with 8k bytes of in-system programmable flash memory. This is a powerful microcontroller which provides high flexibility and cost effective solution to many embedded control applications. It has the following standard features: 8K bytes of flash, 256 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines, watchdog timer, 2 data pointers, 3 16-bit timers/counters, on-chip oscillator and clock circuitry.
- DS1307: It is a pyroelectric sensor which detects the human body radiation at the particular level angle, it consists of the Fresnel lens to send the signal.
- Proximity Senor: Proximity sensor is a sensor able to detect the presence of nearby objects without any physical contact. It emits an electromagnetic field or a beam of electromagnetic radiation(infrared) and looks for the changes in the field or return signal.
- DC Motor: This is an electric machines which converts electrical energy to mechanical is 12v DC supply
- DC GUN: It is electromagnetic gun work on DC supply When it energised it release the coil.
- Camera: The camera is wireless model has the high receive sensitivity +18db,receive signal picture sound 0.9/1.2G,system is PAL,deliver the distance 50-100MVoltage voltage is DC 9V
- PIR Senor:It is a pyroelectric sensor which detects the human body radiation at the particular level angle, it consists of the Fresnel lens to send the signal,they are often referred to as PIR,"Passive Infrared","Pyroelectric"or"IR Motion" sensor.
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Project Implementation:
- Connect the wheel to the robot model and the wheel may be normal wheel or chain can be used
- Connect the PIR sensor terminal to the controller as 5v, GND,and Signal pin
- Attach the gun model on the top of the robot and the gun trigger is connected via relay to the controller
- Radio frequency receiver is connected to the controller
- The transmitter is in user side to control the robot
- Attach the proximity sensor at the bottom of the robot model
- Fix the camera on the top of the robot model, it is supplied to battery its a wireles camera
Software requirements:
- MPLAB X IDE: The MPLAB X IDE is the new graphical,integrated debugging tool set for all of Microchps's more than 8 bit,16 bit and 32 bit MCUs and digital signal controller,and memory devices.
- Programming language: Embedded C Language
- Proteus Design Software: The Proteus Design Suite is a software tool suite used for eletronic design automation even only sotware itself the output can be checked by the software and also electronic prints for manufactureing printed circuit boards.
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Multipurpose Robot For Military
Skyfi Labs
2018-05-10 •
Last Updated: