Today one of the common thing for all of us is Mobile or Smart Phone. Imagine there is robot which can be operated by your smart phone. Isn’t is cool?? Through this project you are going to build a unique walking robot which can be controlled by any smart phone.
Skyfi Labs gives you the easiest way to learn and build this project.
You will need an Arduino to interface the microcontroller with the Servo motors and DTMF module. You will programme the microcontroller in such a way that as soon as you press the Specific number in the mobile app DTMF tone generator, immediately your walking robot will start walking into the specified direction. Let say you have programmed that whenever microcontroller receives a command for 2, the robot should walk in forward direction. Similarly 8 for backward, 4 for turning left, 6 for turning right. Now you had pressed the number 2, immediately tone for number 2 will be generated and the generated tone will be converted into digital signal by the DTMF module and it will be given to microcontroller as input. As soon as microcontroller receives the digital input, it will process the condition and once condition is satisfied, it make the robot to walk in forward Direction. Similarly this will apply for all the conditions.
Want to develop practical skills on Robotics? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free
Programming language: Arduino Programming (C++)
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