Gesture based Robotic Arm
Naveen Lakkundi

Robotic arms are used in various fields like Industries, Medical and many more. In industries the robots are used in the manufacturing process, packaging, in the production line, these robotic arms are used in the place where human intervention is impossible. In the medical field the robotic arms are used in operating the patients in a surgery. The robotic arms can be controlled by many means, in gesture based control of a robotic arm the user can control it precisely by his hand gestures.
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The gesture based robotic arm’s movement is controlled by the hand gestures, that is the movement of hand in the direction like forward, backward, right, left , or the increase or decrease in the elevation of the hand. The hand gesture is sensed by the 6 axis gesture sensor, and to hold an object flex sensors can be used.
Project Description:
- Arduino Uno: Arduino Uno is a microcontroller which can take both analog and digital inputs and you can use this to acquire the data from all the sensors. There are six analog I/O pins and fourteen digital I/O pins which you can use to interface your sensors.
- Flex sensors: Flex are basically variable resistors which have a resistance of 30K Ohm when they are straight and the resistance when they are bent for 90 degree is around 70K Ohm.
- Glove: The glove is for fixing the Flex sensor on every finger of the glove.
- RF 433 MHz Transmitter module: This module has an encoder which helps in converting the data from parallel to serial communication data format and this data is then transmitted using radio frequency.
- RF 433 MHz Receiver module: This module has a decoder in it and the received data is decoded so that Arduino can understand the data received.
- L293D Motor Driver: You need motor drivers to drive the motors, as the microcontroller only works on 5V, it can only give signals to the motor but the motor needs more than 5V to run this is why we use motor drivers.
- Servo motor: Servo motor is a rotary or linear actuator which allows for precise control of angular positions. These motors are used as high performance alternative for DC motors, you can use the servo motors to actuate the twist and turn of the Rubik’s cube.
- Robotic Arm Frame: You have to build a frame which can actuate according to the gesture of the hand, the robot should also be able to hold, lift, turn, and place any object.
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Project Implementation:
- Build a robotic arm frame with three degree of freedom that is the robot can move its arm up, down, and rotate.
- Fix the flex sensors and the GY-521 gesture module to a glove in order to control the movement of the arm and to hold any object.
- Program the Arduino Uno such that the movement of the hand glove in all the direction that is in the three dimension actuates the servos and you can program it to hold the object with the bending of the flex sensors.
- The robotic arm should have three large servos for movement of the robotic arm, and for holding the object you can use 9g servos.
- Make sure the base of the arm is strong, if the base and the frame is strong then the arm can lift heavy objects also.
- You can use the Transmitter and the Receiver to send the data from the glove to the robotic arm.
Project Brief: The robotic arm when built and programed can move in any direction as it has three degree freedom that is it can move in three dimension which is sensed by the gesture sensor and actuated by the servos and to hold the object it has an arm which is actuated by small 9g servos and which is controlled by the flex sensors.
Software requirements:
- Arduino IDE Version 1.8.5 : You will be needing Arduino IDE software for writing and uploading the program into the Arduino Uno board.
Programming language:
- Arduino programming (C++)
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Gesture based Robotic Arm
Skyfi Labs
2018-05-08 •
Last Updated: