The advent of technology has brought a revolutionary change in the field of robotics and automation which ranges in all the sectors from household domestic works to the defense sector. Today in the global market, smart phones also have brought a revolution in changing people’s lifestyle and providing numerous applications on different operating systems. Android operating system is one of these systems build on open source which has made a huge impact providing many applications for robotics to help people in their day today life.
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4. Robotic Arm
7. Hexapod
The project is designed to develop a robotic vehicle using RF technology for remote operation attached with wireless camera for monitoring purpose. The robot along with camera can wirelessly transmit real time video with night vision capabilities.An 8051 series of microcontroller is used for the desired operation.
At the transmitting end using push buttons, commands are sent to the receiver to control the movement of the robot either to move forward, backward and left or right etc. At the receiving end two motors are interfaced to the microcontroller where they are used for the movement of the vehicle.
The RF transmitter acts as a RF remote control that has the advantage of adequate range (up to 200 meters) with proper antenna, while the receiver decodes before feeding it to another microcontroller to drive DC motors via motor driver IC for necessary work. A wireless camera is mounted on the robot body for spying purpose even in complete darkness by using infrared lighting..
The main usage of this robot is to capture images and videos of inaccessible places and should transmit them to a receiver which can be a computer or a TV unit. Here the 8051 microcontroller will be used as the microcontroller and act as the brain of system.
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