How to Build an Stair Climbing Robot?
Naveen Lakkundi

The robots which are based on wheels can move only on flat surface, and even when there is a hurdle in front of any wheel the robot cannot cross the hurdle or go on it. What if the robot can not only be able to cross the hurdle but also can climb the stairs. In this project idea you will be able to start building a robot that can cross any hurdles.
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This robot can be controlled by a radio controlled transmitter and it can cross any hurdle, even though the hurdle is in front of only one wheel. This robot is quiet flexible while crossing the hurdles.
Stair Climbing robot project description:
- Arduino Uno: Arduino Uno is a Microcontroller based on Atmea328. It has 14 digital input/output pins and in which 6 of them can be used as PWM outputs, it also has 6 analog I/O pins, and a USB connection, a 16MHz ceramic resonator, a power jack, an IPSC header and a reset button.
- L293D Motor Driver: You need motor drivers to drive the motors, as the microcontroller only works on 5V, it can only give signals to the motor but the motor needs more than 5V to run this is why we use motor drivers.
- DC motors: Use DC motors to actuate the robots.
- Robot Chassis: Build a robot chassis such that the wheels, and all the electronics can be fixed on it and the robot should be able to move stably.
- Remote controller: You need a controller for giving the commands to the robot.
- RF 433 MHz Transmitter module: This module has an encoder which helps in converting the data from parallel to serial communication data format and this data is then transmitted using radio frequency.
- RF 433 MHz Receiver module: This module has a decoder in it and the received data is decoded so that Arduino can understand the data received.
- PVC pipes: You will need PVC pipes to build the chassis of the robot.
- PVC pipe joints: You will need PVC pipe joints like V joints, straight joints to connect the pipes.
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Project Implementation:
- Build strong robot chassis, the robot should be able to move stably, and the center of balance of the robot should be maintained.
- The robot has six wheels and two of the wheels will be fixed to the chassis, and the remaining four wheels are fixed in set of two such that the wheels are at ends of a V shaped frame and each set is freely moveable. These set of wheels are fixed in the front and the V framed set of wheels help to cross the hurdles.
- The Arduino is programmed such that the robot should move when it receives the commands from the radio controller.
Project Brief: The robot structure is important in this project, after building the robot the robot can be controlled remotely and it can cross hurdles like stairs, or can move in any uneven places this is possible bcause of the V shaped frames for the two sets of wheels that is used in the front of the robot.
Software requirements:
- Arduino IDE Version 1.8.5 : You will be needing Arduino IDE software for writing and uploading the program into the Arduino Uno board.
Programming language: Arduino programming (C++)
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Stair Climbing Robot
Skyfi Labs
2018-05-11 •
Last Updated: