Night vision spy bot is a unique type of robotic system which can be used for spying on enemy territories. This type of robots can be used to collect information and monitor suspicious activities, even we can track location of terrorist organizations. These type of robots can be used for surveillance of any disaster affected area or a place which is difficult to reach. Its night vision camera makes it active and effective even in darkness using infrared lighting.
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4. Robotic Arm
7. Hexapod
The robot that you build as a part of this project can be controlled using your mobile phone with DTMF technology. Essentially, one mobile phone will be connected to the 8051 microcontroller and will be placed with the robot itself. This particular mobile phone mounted onto the robot will receive the commands from another phone which the user will have at a remote location. The wireless camera mounted on the robot will stream the video live to the user’s desktop and the motion of the robot will be controlled using the buttons of the phone keypad.
For the robot’s motion you need to program the 8051 microcontroller accordingly. You can also modify the robot to be autonomous by implementing some IR sensors to it and make it avoid the obstacles on the path automatically and carry out the operation.
The main usage of this spy bot is to capture images and videos of inaccessible places and should transmit them to a receiver which can be a computer or a TV unit. Here the 8051 microcontroller will be used as the microcontroller and act as the brain of system.
The hardware implementation in the night vision spy bot are as follows,
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