The Step block Robot consists of a robot chassis kit and armless body, with a servo motor to move the head around. The robot has a cubical head 8 pixels on a side,body & four legs,six motors, and six wheels.
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4. Robotic Arm
7. Hexapod
An Arduino Uno, with a motor control shield sitting on top is used which helps the Arduino to manage the high voltages needed to run motors.
Assemble the body using the screws, nuts and required tools. Fix the electronics as per the location of the moving parts in the robot
The head of the bot requires 360 degree of rotation. Fix the motor, along with the arduino and driver shield at the top where the head will be fixed
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Attach the wires to its controller. One wire connects to digital pin 0 on the Arduino, another to pin 1, and a third to GND. You’ll connect these to their counterparts on the controller’s Arduino.
Program the arduino with keeping in mind the required motions, movements, delays and actions which the robot is moving.Use two LED which can light up the eye and program for blinking
Attach the potentiometer in which first lead connects to power, the third lead connects to GND, and the middle one to analog pin A0 on the Arduino
Press the arcade buttons to steer the robot base, while turning the head with the potentiometer. Activate the robot’s menacing red eyes (LED) by flicking the switch
Different modification and experiments can be done on the robot making it hovering, sliding, or steering step block robot
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