Ever wondered one the important factors involved when you are traveling for 100’s to 1000’s of kilometer? Ever thought of the comfort with which you have completed the journey with body organs stayed in the same place? Ever have you compared the modern travel with bullock cart? Suspension.
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3. Robotic Arm
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One of the important systems of any automobile moving on rough surfaces is suspension system, whose primary function is to absorb/damp all the unbalanced forces which passengers feel in terms of vibration and jerks (There arises another question that now what will the shock absorber do with the absorbed energy).
There are different types of shock absorbers available today which absorbs shock like hydraulic shock absorbers (credits to BMW), mechanical shock absorbers, magnetic shock absorbers in which magnetic shock absorbers is the one which is grabbing all attention due to its unique structure and capability to take high loads.
Two powerful Neodymium magnets or electromagnets can be used in the shock absorber. One magnet fixed to the moving shaft and another magnet is fixed to the stationary shaft. Complete set-up is enclosed in a barrel casing as shown in the image. Like poles of both magnet 1 and magnet 2 are facing each other i.e. (North Pole - North Pole / South Pole – South Pole).
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Whenever there is an upward movement in moving shaft, both magnet 1 and magnet 2 comes close to each other, as the like poles are in action a repulsion force is created between the magnets which gives resistance to the further upward movement of the moving shaft and the movable shaft is pushed to the original position.
Magnetic shock absorbers have their own advantage over hydraulic shock absorbers which are commonly used today. It is clear that hydraulic shock absorbers have limited load damping capability, the fluid in the shock absorber are prone to leakage, no friction, elimination of hysteresis effects due to the conductive medium, flexibility of design.
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