Ambulance is a concept that is made to help the suffering people instantaneously to reach the medical facilities on time. This vehicle is used to move patients quickly to the critical care in case of emergency situations. They are also used for other non-critical purposes like transfers between the hospitals, organ or blood transfer etc. but nonetheless it involves a significant amount of importance on comparison with the other conventional vehicles.
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3. Robotic Arm
5. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
6. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
12. Automated Railway Crossing
15. Health Monitoring Wearable
This will save a significant amount of time in reaching the patients in need by directing them in the shortest possible route, than the conventional way where there will be huge traffic. This GPS tracking system also facilitates the vehicle management solution effectively and deploy them according to the needs. This makes the GPS an important asset for the ambulances and medical institutions.
These ambulances that are fitted with the GPS will gather the location information from the satellites and send it continuously to the remote server with the help of GPRS enabled device. This data can also be given to the persons at the destinations so that they can see and guide the driver accordingly.
This entire vehicle GPS data will be sent to an off-site server instantly where it can be viewed by hospital management through their mobile phones or hospital computers. And it can also be programmed to alert hospital management if for some reason an ambulance leaves a safe zone or is driving at excessive rates of speed when there is no emergency.
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GPS – Global Positioning System is generally used to determine the location of a vehicle or a person from a remote location. These GPS modules are generally used to provide the location, position and navigation services to the users from anywhere on earth. There are about 24 to 32 satellites which facilitates the seamless working of GPS.
The main application for the GPS involves mapping, tracking and surveillance. The GPS module calculates the position of any user, by recognizing the signals that are transmitted by the satellites. GPS receiver calculates the distance to each satellite and the raw data is converted to latitude, longitude, altitude, speed and time.
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