Road fatalities are quite common these days as we hear it in everyday news. New companies are coming up with new advanced systems to track the vehicle and then send signals. The RFID can be used to read the signals and interpret it to give digital signals. The vehicles are now coming with highly equipped sensors and RFID system which enables us to be safe on the journey. The following project is based on such activity which will work on vehicle intelligence.
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The project is very important as it will notify you whether there is any danger ahead, you can avoid that. The RFID system will send signals and the sensor system will read the readings. A DGPS (differential global positioning system) will provide the position of the vehicle on the application. These are the following tools required for the project.
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Project Implementation – Intelligent Vehicle control (RFID)
The microcontroller is used to monitor the speed of the vehicle regularly. The RFID sends signals with periodical intervals to the sensor. The sensor system uses tags which are easily available in the market. For tags, we will use TG800 active tags which will use 433 MHZ frequency to emit the data. The distance covered in a particular time is also monitored by the system in the intelligent vehicle.
According to the turns and distance covered by the vehicle, the controller decides the next action of the vehicle. If the system monitored something dangerous it will notify the driver to pull off or slow down. These little notifications can save the lives of many. The traffic signals also emit signals which are studied by the vehicle PC to act on the given instruction. The signal to slow down, stop can be easily read by the system even if the driver avoids it which is necessary to avoid accidents on Zebra crossings.
The network used in the following project is based on the controller area network. This new system enables us more accuracy and compatibility with any system. CAN is becoming more efficient and popular day by day. A dataset is also fed to the system to decide whether the following speed is dangerous or not. The output is based on two parts which are: -
All this collectively work to give accurate readings to the driver which can be used to avoid many accidents on the road. The developer must possess some knowledge over CAN (Controller Area Network), and signal handling.
Hence by the following instructions, we can easily make a project based on the RFID system. It is very useful and easy to make. The microcontroller in the project must be used wisely because it will like the brain of the project.
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