It has occurred several times when two trains collide with each other which became a big accident. It leads to the loss of many people’s lives and we need to have proper security for that. This project aims to control these types of accidents by controlling the railway tracks. Due to some carelessness and the same track, this type of incident occurs. Our anti-collision system for train projects will use sensor techniques by which we can track trains and monitor them.
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3. Robotic Arm
5. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
6. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
12. Automated Railway Crossing
15. Health Monitoring Wearable
Project description
The following are components used to build this electronic project:
Voltage regulator: We will use two voltage regulators; one will be 7805 and other be 7812. It will be used to provide a power supply that will be regulated. It is very easy to use and also available at a low cost.
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Anti-collision device: It is a watchdog and gives us information about trains. It needs to be fixed on the train. This device will identify other ACD and communicate with the radio. When two trains on the same track, the trains will automatically stop.
89S52 microcontroller: This microcontroller gives high performance and is a low-power microcontroller. It comes with flash memory, data pointers, 256 bytes ram, 8k bytes flash, 16-bit timer, etc.
Resister: It will help us in managing the current flow and lower the voltage when needed.
Capacitor: It is an electrical component that will store energy with the help of an electric field. We will use a 1000 microfarad capacitor in our project. It has 2 Electrical conductors.
1N4007 diode: It is an electrical component that has symmetric conductance.
LCD: It will help us in displaying images and digits, words, digital clock, and also videos.
LED: LED is a semiconductor light source. Led is a PN junction diode that emits light. LED releases energy as photons when voltage is applied. In our project, we will use red and green LEDs.
Buzzer: It is a signaling device that gives us the signal through audio sounds. It can be electromechanical mechanical or piezoelectric.
Project implementation
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