The advent of technology has brought a revolutionary change in the field of robotics and automation which ranges in all the sectors from household domestic works to the defense sector. Today in the global market, smart phones also have brought a revolution in changing people’s lifestyle and providing numerous applications on different operating systems. Android operating system is one of these systems build on open source which has made a huge impact providing many applications for robotics to help people in their day today life.
The system has three components ; the sensor system, monitoring system and the display system. The sensor system has Global Positioning System (GPS), Near Field Communication (NFC), Temperature and Humidity sensors, which are always connected with the internet via a GSM network to track the location, commuter and ambience inside the bus.
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3. Robotic Arm
5. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
6. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
12. Automated Railway Crossing
15. Health Monitoring Wearable
By using the RFID TAG card the personal information can be stored in the database,if any accident ,theft and he/she lost also easily track them easily by using the database is stored further process.This prefer NFC payments, which are similar to the RFID technology.NFC enabled phones (sender) can do transaction with the NFC reader (receiver/ ticket provider).After person enters into the bus reader reads the tag number ,so count the no of persons in the bus.The sensor measures the inside as well as outside the bus of temperature,the value are displayed in the lcd and also the exact location of the bus place within in period of time delay.The GSM module sends the data to commuter location of the bus and other details .
Initially Near Field Communication used to payments to the tickets,the corresponding the personal information(name,address,age,etc…).when enters the bus RFID Readers reads the cards of the particular person data and identified the data are stored in the server ,the driver can easily the dotify the data .The temperature sensor are used to measure the inside and outside the temperature and display in the LCD display.The Humidity sensor measure the humidity inside the bus .The GSM Module is used to send the message to the server,it contains the data of commuters,temperature and humidity of the bus,latitude-longitude of the bus.
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