Today almost all railway stations, bus stations are using Digital Display boards to show the all kinds of information, but they are connected wires. Through the project you are going to build a unique system where you can give provide information on the Electronic Notice Board in Wireless manner(where that notice board are controlled by an SMS using GSM modem). This modem uses a SIM card and operates through a subscription with the mobile operator. Many people they don’t know how to interface GSM module with 8051 microcontroller. We will see a series of steps describing how GSM modem will be interfaced with 8051 microcontroller.
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3. Robotic Arm
5. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
6. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
12. Automated Railway Crossing
15. Health Monitoring Wearable
GSM is generally called as Modem (Global System for Mobile Communications). It is a wireless communication module, which will be used to communicate with a computer or processor over the network. The GSM modem uses a variation of TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) which is most commonly used of the digital wireless telephony technologies like TDMA, GSM and CDMA. This GSM modem needs a SIM card to operate through a network range subscribed by the network operator. This modem can be connected to a computer via a serial, Bluetooth or USB connection. This modem is also be a standard GSM mobile phone with a suitable cable and software driver to connect to a USB port on your PC. Generally, this modem is preferred instead of a GSM mobile phone. Now we will see how GSM modem interfacing with 8051 microcontroller.
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Programming language: Keil UVision (Embedded C-Programming)
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