It is reported that for every 14 minutes there is a vehicle stolen in India, and there is 44% rise in the theft and attempt to theft last year and only few of the vehicles reported are recovered. Theft has to be prevented, even after prevention some of the vehicles will be stolen. The vehicle’s position can be known and tracked, by this the thief can be caught and the vehicle will be recovered.
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This project briefs about installing a vehicle location tracker, by this you will be able to find your vehicle. The tracker can be made by using a GPS, GSM and of course a microcontroller. The GPS detects the latitude and longitude of the vehicle and it can also detect the height of elevation. This system can send the exact position of the vehicle.
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Project Brief: This project can locate your lost, or stolen vehicle and using this location you can track the vehicle. You can also use this project to spy on someone who has borrowed your car, like to track where the car is going..
Programming language: Arduino programming (C++)
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