One of the major problems that is been faced by the planet earth is insufficient supply of the clean energy. we are simultaneously facing the three challenges – they are resource consumption, environmental degradation, and population growth.
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3. Robotic Arm
5. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
6. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
12. Automated Railway Crossing
15. Health Monitoring Wearable
And it is well known that the present energy generation practices will not provide for all the people around the world in a sufficient way. So, there a need of finding for the required source that can fulfil the future needs.
It is projected that the consumption of the energy will increase around 5 times the present scenario. And the use of the fossil fuel in this fashion may not last that long and generate that amount of the energy. that is the reason that people are switching to the renewable energy sources. It is projected that the energy that is produced by the renewable energy sources will be more than the energy that is produced by the oil and gas combined. One of the renewable energy sources which can be reliable for that rate of production is solar energy.
The method of capturing solar power on the earth is very well known to everyone. But due the things like night and day and clouds and many more factors the collection the energy is not constant and it results in the efficiency of the energy produced. so, the different method of collecting solar energy is required. Here comes the idea of Space Solar power this provides a source of energy that is carbon-free and sustainable too. And as these are placed around in the orbit (geosynchronous) in which the sunlight is available almost 24 hours. So, there will not be any issues for the capturing sunlight such as Day, night etc… further if the frequency of transmission is chosen properly, the delivery of the power can also be carried out irrespective of the weather conditions.
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Knowledge of Renewable Energy sources.
Knowledge of Communication Engineering.
Project Implementation:
This energy is a clean green energy so it is the one of the only hopes for the energy generation of the future. And it is available freely and in sufficient in and outer atmosphere. The maintenance is also less as the outer space is free from all types of the atmosphere disturbances.
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