In this project, we will design an electronic notepad. It has a touch screen and a storage memory. It can also save the data which we have written. It will also provide the facility to transfer your data to your personal computer. The process will be done with the help of some software and displays. It will work with accuracy so that it can display your drawings. We will insert an SD card into the circuit. By serial connections, the microcontroller will transfer the data.
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Project description
Resistive touch screen: The touch screen is required for an interface for X and Y coordinates. We will require 5 wires for it and 4 of them will be at the corner. The one wire is used for contact for voltage level. After the setting of wire, the current will start flowing from top to bottom.
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LCD: LCD is the must requirement for displaying the data. It will display all the data related to the program. It is also required to display the measurement of x and y coordinates. It will display 2×8 characters.
SD card: The main aim of the SD card is to store the data and transferring it to the computer. It will also be blocked at rest with the blocks. We will have memory limitations so that we will only be able to get and read 100 bytes of data for a page.
Voltage Rescaler circuit: It will be our requirement for realizing the 10-bit range. If we do not have this circuit voltage measured will be nearly 1 to 4 volts. The circuit will subtract voltage and the resulting voltage becomes more.
Microcontroller: Microcontroller is required for providing an interface to our screen. For serial communications, it provides the path. For X and Y planes it will give us the path and drive the pins.
Computer and touch screen circuit: We will need a PC for getting the data that is transferred. And the touchscreen power circuit will buffer output and give it to the power screen.
Project implementation
Programming language used- Java
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