Today's world technology ultrasonic response is more needed like in robotics, automation. Here ultrasonic is interfacing with 8051 Microcontroller to find the range of objects. HC-SR04 is an ultrasonic ranging module designed for embedded projects like this.
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It has a resolution of 0.3cm and the ranging distance is from 2cm to 400cm, this module transmit signal waves up its echo, and it measures the time elapsed between the objects output in the form of the calculated which is proportional to the distance.
It have 40KHz crystal oscillator to generate the ultrasonic waves to transmit.
The time it takes the ultrasonic pulse to travel back and forth to the object is also knows as the speed of the sound.
The Formula to calculate the distance is Speed =Distance/Time
Regarding ultrasonic changes to t=s/v
Distance s=t * 0.0034/2
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