We all know what blind people have to undergo in their daily life. It is difficult for them to identify different buildings, streets, and even classrooms. There is a need for an alternate method that will help them to identify streets and classrooms. The application of RFID solves this problem and eases things for them. When the reader reads the tag, an audio clip plays on the earplugs. The blind student carries a handheld console or wears them around their neck. Once they come across the classroom, the console scans the RFID tag installed outside. Once the scan is complete, they hear audio feedback on the earplugs. The entire process takes 15-20 seconds and is effective and fast. The time taken by the process depends upon the speed of the Wi-Fi.
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3. Robotic Arm
5. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
6. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
12. Automated Railway Crossing
15. Health Monitoring Wearable
Required Components:
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The working of the project is simple. The blind person carries a console that contains all the components embedded in it. The school has already installed tags outside the classrooms. When a blind student crosses a particular classroom, the console uses the RFID reader to scan the tag. As soon as the scanning completes, the SD Card module plays an audio file. The audio file states information about the class. The entire process takes 15-20 seconds to complete, and the speed depends upon the speed of the Wi-Fi.
The idea behind this RFID project is to design a system that will contribute to improving the lives of the blind. The concept is effective in the real world too. The main purpose is to change the lives of many blind people with this device. The RFID concept is new and used in many projects. The Government of India took the initiative of fast tags using RFID. It helps to control traffic on toll booths and also develops a hassle-free payment system. Whenever a vehicle with a fast tag crosses a toll booth, the reader installed on the booth reads the tags. After reading the tag, the owner's details come up, and the bank account linked to the tag appears. The officer-in-charge enters the toll for the current journey. The amount later gets deducted from the bank account. The operation is simple, and the use of RFID shows the brilliance of the operating team.
Future work:
RFID opens the door to various possibilities in future projects. We can make changes in the current project, and make it more mobile, and handy. The entire console can fit in a blind stick along with an ultrasound sensor. This will serve a dual purpose, first, it will not only guide the person to the correct destination. Second, it also helps him/her to avoid any upcoming object that might block the person's path. The ultrasound sensor triggers an alarm whenever something obstructs its path. This helps them to stay alert whenever there is a danger ahead.
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