We always saw an upgrade in fashion every time. Electronics also become a part of fashion nowadays. Electronics can be used in shoes or fitness purposes. With the help of Electronics athletics or sports person can know how many calories they have burned, their heart rate, steps, etc. The person who goes to the gym regularly should monitor their body’s metabolism and it is an important part of their life. Our device is a fitness tracker and it will provide you with data about your temperature and many things related to your it will provide you data through Bluetooth on your phone with the help of an app.
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3. Robotic Arm
5. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
6. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
12. Automated Railway Crossing
15. Health Monitoring Wearable
Project Implementation:
Seeeduino: The board is an ATmega 382p based board and it has some small factor. the board forms some similarities as Arduino board but it is smaller than Arduino. It also has some pins which are required for connections. It also comes with time type-c USB connection and we will use this. We will also require a 5-volt battery.
Step sensor: We have discussed that the board has an extra pin for the sensor so we will attach this sensor to the board. It will require a 5-volt battery. The communication is done through I2C pins. It is capable of getting data of steps and acceleration with the help of BMA456 sensor. We can use it as an accelerometer.
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Bluetooth HC 05: We will require it for getting the data it will provide us with the live data and help us in basing requirements.
Battery (3 volts to 5 volts): For the connections, we will require a battery. it will be used on the board and also in the sensor.
Project Implementation:
We have set up all the components of our project and basic needs for connections. Now we will require a battery and connect it to Arduino. After that install the app and give it the permission of locations and storage. Go to phone Bluetooth and connect by selecting HC 05 for connection. Now, you can check the distance that you have covered, the calories you burn, your body temperature your location and steps. The app will save your data in the text format.
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