Security alarm system employing various sensors are becoming increasingly popular in residential communities. Implementing a security alarm system that has a number of the sensor for fire detection, smoke detection, gas leakage detection, appliance operation.etc.
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3. Robotic Arm
5. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
6. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
12. Automated Railway Crossing
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Security based project concept as an electronic lock for the doors, safe box. The electronic lock is fully connected with the electronic devices it is operated with a controller. The Microcontroller will be the central monitor of the electronic lock.
The Matrix keypad is used in this concept connected to a microcontroller, LCD display is attached to the controller, the display shows the access granted or not. The relay is act as the tripping the electronic lock system. Here the Microcontroller is taken as PIC Microcontroller(PIC16F877A).
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Project Brief: The control unit checks the matrix keypad inputs if the key is matched with the program the relay trip in its state and the door open ,if the key is pressed wrong so the relay remains in its state.
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