With the advancement in technology and growing nations, many things are developed in the field of construction and chemical industry.
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3. Robotic Arm
5. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
6. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
12. Automated Railway Crossing
15. Health Monitoring Wearable
The advancement in chemical industries is also growing and many advanced methods are being developed
The various advancements like a mixture of various components to form nanoparticles
In this project, we will discuss the low synthesis of magnesium doped cobalt ferrite nanoparticles.
Spinel ferrites are important materials that are discussed. These are highly developed due to their advanced electrical and magnetic properties
Spinel ferrites have various applications in different branches of technologies. They find applications in the field of the information storage system, sensors, and catalysts
The Nano-ferrites can be explained based on the synthesis methods, nature, and type of substituent, particle size, pH, etc.
The cobalt –ferrite has some advanced features. It has high anisotropy of magnetocrystalline structures and high resistivity to the electricity. It can magnetize with good saturation
Another interesting Nanoparticle is Co-Mg because of its properties such as the magnetization, moderate saturation, and coercivity.
It also has other properties like better chemical stability and good mechanical hardness
Due to its nature, it also finds applications in the field of magnetic drug and information storage.
Methodologies used:
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