Interfacing GPS with 8051 Microcontroller
Vasanth Vidyakar

GPS – Global Positioning System is generally used to determine the location of a vehicle or a person from a remote location. These GPS modules are generally used to provide the location, position and navigation services to the users from anywhere on earth. There are about 24 to 32 satellites which facilitates the seamless working of GPS.
The main application for the GPS involves mapping, tracking and surveillance. The GPS module calculates the position of any user, by recognizing the signals that are transmitted by the satellites. GPS receiver calculates the distance to each satellite and the raw data is converted to latitude, longitude, altitude, speed and time.
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- The proposed system can be used in marine navigation, car navigation and fleet management
- Can be used for tracking and mapping applications
- Can be used for custom navigation and positioning
- Can be used for finding the location of any user
Project Implementation:
- LCD data pins should be connected to the port2 of the controller and the control pins RS, RW and EN are connected to the P1.0, P1.1 & P1.2 respectively
- The LCD is used for displaying the latitude and longitude values of the location
- The receiver pin of the GPS module is connected to the 13th pin of max232 IC and Gnd pin to the ground
- The controller RXD pin is connected to the 12th pin of max232 IC
- The GPS module transmits the data continuously as per the NMEA standards using the RS232 protocol. For this the latitude and longitude values of location will be available in GPRMC sentence.
- The values of project latitude and longitude are extracted from NMEA format and will be used to display on LCD
- The data from the GPS module will be received serially using UART protocol and the latitude and longitude values received will be displayed on LCD
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Project Description:
- The program should be burned into the 8051 microcontroller
- The connections for the project should be provided as per the circuit diagram
- The power supply for the GPS module can be given using a DC power adapter
- Then, interface the GPS module to the computer and open hyper terminal to check the received messages
- Then the GPS module will get activated
- The GPS module should be then connected to the circuit and the values of the longitude and latitude will start displaying on the LCD
Software requirements:
- Keil Uvision 3: Keil Software makes C compilers, macro assemblers, real-time kernels, debuggers, simulators, integrated environments and evaluation boards for the 8051, 251, ARM and XC16x/C16x/ST10 microcontroller families
- Programming language: Embedded C language
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Kit required to develop Interfacing GPS with 8051 Microcontroller:
Technologies you will learn by working on Interfacing GPS with 8051 Microcontroller:
Interfacing GPS with 8051 Microcontroller
Skyfi Labs
2018-04-30 •
Last Updated: