In today's modern world we have ample amount of facility which can satisfy above our basic need, unfortunately this condition is not satisfied everywhere in countries like Kenya, India where millions of people don't have electricity to lighten their house even renewable energy(wind, solar, water) are hardly available at some places and they are using harmful fuels like kerosene to power their house spending 20% of their income. What is the solution?
Electronics Kit will be shipped to you and you can learn and build using tutorials. You can start for free today!
3. Robotic Arm
5. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
6. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
12. Automated Railway Crossing
15. Health Monitoring Wearable
What if we can charge your mobile with the help of gravity (weight) sound crazy right! Basically, it is a very ancient technique which is already been used. Gravity light is a type of portable hanging lamp which uses a counterweight/hanging bag weight which descends down to drive a generator through a gear mechanism which provides energy to light LED.
GravityLight is powered through weight. As the weight falls it turns a gear drive train, driving the DC generator that powers the LEDs. There is no battery, no sunlight, no solar and costs nothing to run. It takes 2-3 seconds on manual weight lifting the weight that powers gravity light, creating 30-35 minutes of light on its descent.
Want to develop practical skills on Electronics? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free
Enjoy the free LED Glow for 30-45 sec by just giving 3 sec of manual input.
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