Nowadays the demand for electricity is rising enormously with the growing industries. The mechanical energy produced by human locomotion or vehicle movement can be utilized to generate electric energy.
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The generated power can be used in domestic low power lighting and for running low power consumption electronic products. This works with the principle of “Piezo-Electric effect”, which converts vibration energy into electrical energy. This project aims to present an efficient method for the generation of electricity. It has a wide range of applications in agriculture and street lighting. It can also be used as an energy source in remote locations.
Project Description:
This project works with the principle of “Piezo-Electric effect”. It is the phenomenon in which the materials can generate an electric charge in response to applied mechanical stress. The potential difference appears across the sides of a piezo-electric sensor.
1.Piezo-Electric Sensors: It is a device which converts the change in pressure or vibration to an electric charge. It works on the principle of the piezoelectric effect.
2.Rectifier: It is an electrical device that converts AC output from the piezo-electric sensors to DC. It works by allowing a current to flow through in one direction only.
3.Battery: It is a device made up of several electrochemical cells. It is used for storing the voltage generated from the piezoelectric sensors.
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Project Implementation:
Project Applications:
Piezo-Electric devices have an advantage over conventional resources. Because of their versatility in the application of power generation. Since the voltage obtained from a Piezo-Electric transducer is AC, rectification is needed to be done for storing in the battery. The current obtained by the Piezo-Electric transducer is low. So, sensors are connected in a series-parallel combination. The installation of piezoelectric sensors on flooring would generate adequate power. This can be used to turn up the lights of houses as well as other domestic purposes. This project is best suited for crowded areas like railway stations, bus stations and also on footpaths.
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