The advancement in technology has bought us various advantages in the construction industry and many other applications.
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3. Robotic Arm
5. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
6. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
12. Automated Railway Crossing
15. Health Monitoring Wearable
The growing students of the nation use these technologies for various purposes that may have advantages as well as disadvantages
Nowadays the students use the growing technology for the use of some mischief, that might affect their future and hence developments are needed to be made to stop these
Various technologies have been developed in the field of schooling, teaching institutions, schools, colleges, and universities
The current project discusses the solution to stop the students from bunking their classes so that a better education system would be created and help the students to develop
In this project, the use of an embedded system is carried which makes the hardware to completely run based on software
Materials used:
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Working Principle
It can be seen from the above project that the use of these type of attendance system helps in the reduction of students missing their classes and hence more systems should be developed so that the bunking of classes can be avoided completely.
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