With the urbanisation on the rise, the number of accidents that are happening every day is on the rise. And the major issue here is that non availability of medical help at the right time. Where the medical institutions are not getting the information at the right time and they end up reacting to the situation very late that it may even cost a life of a person.
To provide an effective solution to this, here we are proposing a system that will be fitted inside the front and back bonnet of the vehicle. It works on the simple principle in which two metallic plates will be placed close together with a minimum gap between them and whenever there is an impact the plates will come in contact with each other. When they come in contact with each other, conductance will happen and this signal will be then sent to the microcontroller.
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3. Robotic Arm
5. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
6. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
12. Automated Railway Crossing
15. Health Monitoring Wearable
8051 microcontroller acts as the brain of the system here where as soon as it receives the signal when the plates come in contact, it will activate the buzzer and alert the users. Microcontroller receives the coordinates from the GPS modem. The data will be then sent to the GSM modem. The GSM modem sends the data via SMS. SMS will be sent to the family members of the driver, so that they can take immediate action to help the persons suffering due to this accident. Since they are aware of the location already, immediate medical assistance can be provided reducing the medical risk.
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GPS – Global Positioning System is generally used to determine the location of a vehicle or a person from a remote location. These GPS modules are generally used to provide the location, position and navigation services to the users from anywhere on earth. There are about 24 to 32 satellites which facilitates the seamless working of GPS.
The main application for the GPS involves mapping, tracking and surveillance. The GPS module calculates the position of any user, by recognizing the signals that are transmitted by the satellites. GPS receiver calculates the distance to each satellite and the raw data is converted to latitude, longitude, altitude, speed and time.
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